The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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The programs on this diskette were all adapted from the
original 8080 Assembly language versions written for CP/M-80.
They were all placed in the public domain by their authors
with the stipulation that they should not be used for commercial
purposes ( to make money for others who did not write them ).
These are some of my favorite programs, so I adapted them to
run on the 8088, 8086 processors under MSDOS ( IBMDOS ).
This was done with the aid of two CP/M-80 programs available
from SEATTLE COMPUTER PRODUCTS ( they wrote the original MSDOS
which they called 86-DOS ). The two programs are an 8086 cross-
assembler and a Z-80 to 8086 assembly language translator
( Zilog mnemonics to pseudo Intel 8086 mnemonics ). A similar
set of programs is available from SORCIM ( at nearly three times
the price ). Hopefully, someone will make versions of these
programs that run directly under MSDOS ( Microsoft bought the
rights to these programs from SEATTLE COMPUTER PRODUCTS but
has not released them ).
Now, to the programs....
This is a MODEM file transfer program as well as a terminal
program. The original version of this program was written by
WARD CHRISTENSEN. A fairly extensive revision of was made
by MARK ZEIGER and later by JAMES MILLS. This CP/M-80 version
is known as MODEM7 and versions of it are used on almost all
remote CP/M bulletin board systems around the country. This
MSDOS version was made from a special "portable" version of
MODEM7. It does NOT have some of the newer ( and often flakey )
features of the most recent versions of MODEM7. With this program
you can reliably transfer files over the phone ( with a MODEM )
to any other systems using a version of this program ( or using
WARD CHRISTENSEN'S protocol ). In particular, you can run a
RS-232 line directly between an IBM PC and a CP/M-80 based computer
and reliably transfer data at 9600 baud. The file MDMIBM.ASM,
is an overlay for the front of the MODEM program that personalizes
it for the IBM PC. This is the only hardware dependent part.
This is a document file that describes how the modem program is to
be used. It was mostly written by MARK ZEIGER.
This is a file checksum program. It is useful to validate a file
copy operation, a MODEM file transfer, or to validate a MASTER
disk to see if it is still correct. The original CP/M-80
version was written by KEITH PETERSEN, W8SDZ. Command format:
A>CRCK4 <drive:>filename <F>
This will display a CRC ( a form of checksum ) for each file
on drive B that has a name extension of .ASM . The file
name can be specified exactly ( for only one file ) or
ambiguously with the WILD CARD characters: * and/or ? .
A>CRCK4 C:*.* F
This will display the CRC for all files on drive C and
also save this CRC display on a disk file on the default drive
( drive A in this case ).
The file CRCK4.CPM is a CP/M-80 version of the program. If
you have any doubts as to the accuracy of file transfers to or
from CP/M-80 systems with the MODEM program, transfer this program
over to the CP/M-80 system, rename it to CRCK4.COM, and compare
the CRC's it generates to those on the MSDOS system.
This is a memory byte search program. It can be used to locate
all of the occurences of a specified string of from 1 to 8
characters ( some of which may be WILD CARDS ). It will only
search memory in its SEGMENT, so searches thru other 8086 memory
SEGMENTS must be done by copying part of those segments into its
current segment. Also, since the addresses it shows are relative
to its load segment, it is usually only useful when run from the
DEBUG program. The program is self prompting. Some of the original
code for the program came from the MAY 1978 Interface Age article
by KENYON SWARTWOUT. These were used by HENRY ROTHBERG to make
a NORTH STAR DOS version of the program which was adapted by
B. KENDALL for CP/M-80 and later for this MSDOS version.
This is a disk file string search program. It can be used to
show all the lines of a text file that contain a specified string.
The original version of this program was written by WARD CHRISTENSEN.
Command format:
A>FIND <drive:>filename string
where "string" can be any collection of alpha numeric characters
not including any spaces or tabs. Tabs can be "faked" by using
the "_" underline character in place of them. Also, the "|"
character allows an OR function of two or more strings. As with
the CRCK4 program above, the file name may be specified with
WILD CARD characters to allow searching thru multiple files.
This will sesrch thru all of the .DOC files on drive B
for the occurence of either the string MODEM or MDM.
This is a really nice disk maintenance program. It allows
selective eraseing, renaming, copying, or viewing of files
that match an initially specified search criterion. The original
version of this program was written by MICHAEL KARAS. The
program is menu driven and is esentially self prompting. However,
the file WASH.DOC contains documentation on how to use it.
These MSDOS versions were made by BRUCE KENDALL. In some cases
bugs were fixed in the CP/M versions and new or improved features
were added when the MSDOS versions were made.